Full Name
Daisuke Nakahara
Job Title
Vice President & Head of Corporate Design
Kyoto Fusioneering
Speaker Bio
Daisuke Nakahara is the Head of Corporate Design at the Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd whose mission is to bring together industry, public bodies and to create a fusion industry. Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd (KF) is founded by Japan and the UK co-founders with knowledge accumulated at Japanese universities and national institutions, such as Kyoto University. The uniqueness of KF’s business is coming from the strategy which focusing on the fusion plant technology for outside of plasma-core, providing key fusion systems and key components, including heat injection, heat extraction, fuel cycle systems, safety design etc.

Daisuke joined KF in April 2022. Prior to KF, he worked for utility company and several heavy industry companies as a management consultant at Arthur D Little and Industrial Growth Platform Inc. He received master degree of Environmental study and BA of mechanical study from Tokyo University.
Daisuke Nakahara