Oded Gour-Lavie
Rear Admiral (ret.) Oded Gour-Lavie is the CEO and Co-founder of nT-Tao Ltd., a company working on a compact fusion power solution that will enable clean, safe, affordable, and independent energy wherever needed. Oded is also a Research Fellow at the Haifa Research Center for Maritime Policy and Strategy (HMS). Previously the Chairman of the Dolphin Association of Veteran Submariners. Gour-Lavie concluded his military career in 2015 as the Head of the IDF’s Legal & Strategic Policy Team as part of the planning directorate. He is the former Head of the Sea Division in charge of Naval Operations, Training, and Doctrine for the Israeli Navy and former Commander of the Israeli Submarine Force. Oded graduated Com-Laude in Electrical Engineering from the Technion - Israeli Institute of Technology. Received his Master's in Public Administration (MC-MPA 2008) from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and participated in the Wexner Israel Fellowship Program. Oded was also a Visiting Fellow (2019) at MIT Sloan School of Management combined with studies in the Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC). Oded is a father of 5 beautiful children and enjoys hobbies such as bonsai growing, mountain biking, and practicing yoga.
Oded Gour-Lavie